FM Data (Assets and COBie)

Assets Data

Important and relevant information (drawings, manuals, schedules, specifications, and inventory) is stored in a comprehensive 6D BIM model, created especially for Asset Management purposes.

Whenever Important changes to the building are made (such as building systems upgrade), our designers execute the changes to the model, accordingly, keeping everything up-to-date and making sure our clients never miss a task or fail to handle procurement.

COBie Data

Construction Operations Building Information Exchange or COBie is the newest and next-gen service that has completely changed the way of thinking and constructing the building systematically. In COBie, the data received is in a standard data format which is used to gather information during the design levels and construction phases. It is a digital store of information that is subsequently transferred to the operations and maintenance (O&M) team during facility management.

COBie is the process that assists and helps in capturing and storing Important data of the project, also including the point of origin. For a successful implementation of COBie service, the requirement is to have proper product data sheets, a list of the types of equipment, a list of spare parts, details of warranties and guarantees, and many other such data. This information plays a vital role, as it supports the operational, managerial, and asset management once assets are derived.

FM Integration

BIMgrafX understands that the potential of BIM goes beyond that of constructing buildings and extends to address facility management and operations throughout the entire life cycle of the facility. The seamless integration of BIM-FM results in a significant reduction of operating costs over the facility’s lifetime.

This information is available to the user through a customized proprietary web-based environment, ensuring the owner has global accessibility. The Owner or Facility Manager will have full access to a simple yet powerful virtual building model containing relevant information to manage the property, building systems, and components of the facility’s life.